This is Adri's beautiful gingerbread house. Last year she put as much candy on it as she could fit, but dropped it before we could get a picture. This year she toned it down a bit. Very 'creative'!

Tori set aside 3 hours for this lovely master piece. Although it actually only took 2 hours, maybe less. She looks forward to grandma's get together every year. She's been planning this look for days!

Justus kept it simple this year with no bleeding reindeer or Santa's (thank heaven)! He said all of the gifts under the trees are for him. These lego's were very handy.
These aren't all of the wonderful gingerbread houses that were made today by the Sorensen clan, but it's most of them (note - some kids piled on the treats to eat later... great idea!). Don't they just look tasty! Adri ate a lot of hers on the car ride home. Hopefully she's not too sick for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Thanks for the fun Grandma! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day everyone!